
(documents referred are published on external sites in Ukrainian)

Legal base for IBM

Legal basis regulating the work of the integrated border management agencies. Laws of Ukraine and international treaties signed by Ukraine regulating the legal status of the state border and its regime. Laws, other legal acts regulating the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as granting them asylum in Ukraine

International practice

EU legislation and best European practices regarding controls at the external borders of the Schengen area. EU customs law. EU legislation and best European practices on police and customs cooperation

Join and share information about us

The EU4IBM project team includes international technical assistance professionals and subject matter experts from Ukraine and the European Union who work on a daily basis to support the border management agencies of Ukraine in the time of war, as well as to further assist in the implementation of national reforms that bring the Ukrainian border management system closer to the standards and best practices of integrated border management. Support our work by sharing our official page on social networks

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